Francie Goes to Janelle and Brad's Wedding!

Saturday afternoon we all went to Janelle and Brad's wedding in Campbell together. Janelle has worked for me for over 3 years and is one of my favorite people. She is from Hayes, Kansas and married her college sweetheart, Brad, who is from San Jose. The wedding was outside in the gardens at the Ainsley House in Campbell and then the reception was indoors nearby. Her colors were pink and orange and everything looked great! Janelle did so many of the details herself (while working AND in nursing school!) and it was all perfect. Francie was lucky to be included and Brad's mom and Janelle's mom both recognized her from her blog! (Hi Brad's mom and Janelle's mom:) It was a great party and we met so many nice people from their families. Congrats Brad and Best Wishes Janelle!

Janelle about to walk down the isle with her Dad

"Get a load of that dress mom!"

It was a beautiful spot to get married

Exchanging the rings

The "J" and the "B" in Gerber Daisies

Husband and Wife!

At the reception...

The guest book frame (with a picture from our house at their shower!)

Big girl with her Daddy

The Cupcake Cake

Francie making friends

Janelle did the flower arrangements herself (I was playing around with these photos, some cheesy effects but hey it was a wedding!)

Francie playing with Alicia at the table, she was cracking up!

The favors one of our Brilliant Babies moms helped make... she cut out ALL of the tags for Janelle!

Janelle and Brad's seats

M&M's with their names on them

First Dance

The Bridesmaids

and Groomsmen

Janelle's cute family

and adorable Janelle and Brad :)

Dinner is served

The Academic Trainers girls!

The cute boys we sat with at our table Jack and Ryan with their mom Janie (and their little suits were from Janie & Jack ;)

Dad walking her around on the patio... she was a little cranky, I think she has a top tooth coming in (still only two bottoms so far!) but we tanked her up with some Children's Tylenol (Thank God for the "dye-free" white kind that doesn't stain the dresses!!)

and she fell asleep after dinner in her stroller for the night (at least I brought a blanket that matched Janelle's colors so she "camo-ed" right in :)

Ready to dance without the baby! (Oh yeah Baby Ann was SUPPOSED to babysit but decided she wanted to go out in the city "after we got home"... we weren't ready to enter the world of "we have to get home for the sitter" so she came along and we stayed til the bitter end! (don't worry Francie WAS invited:)

Scott and Alicia

They did a really neat thing instead of throwing the bouquet/garter and had all married couples come out on the dance floor for a dance then asked them to step off the dance floor based on how long they had ben married until the couple that had been married the longest was the only couple left... Janelle and Brad gave them the bouquet. What a cute idea!

And another fun idea... the table numbers corresponded to photos of both Janelle and Brad at that age! Here they are at "4 years old"

Alicia and I (Baby Ann did redeem herself by finding my dress on Saturday while she was out "personal shopping" at Marshall's... based on the tags on the dress it was about 90% off retail. Good work Ann)

Ready for a toast Janelle! You better not drink both of those or all 95 pounds of you will fall over :)

Bottoms Up!

and time to dance the night away...

Still sleeping under that blanket, time to head home Francie!

We love you Janelle! Have fun on your honeymoon!!