Francie at Brilliant Babies

Thursday Auntie Baby Ann was supposed to head back to Nashville for her grad school classes that start in July... but there was a major accident on 880 in the East Bay and you pretty much could not get to Oakland where she was supposed to fly out. So she changed her flight to Monday and now we get her all weekend!! YAY! We went to lunch with the Johnets and Heff then played at Brilliant Babies with Francie for awhile. She LOVES to play up there now and runs around like she owns the place. :) She can hold her own with the big kids moving around the train table, crawling through the tunnels, playing with the musical instruments and generally tearing the place apart. We had some fun with the dress up chests today...

Francie the Octopus!

"I hear you making fun of me mom."

We snuck into Dad's office and let her crawl in to surprise him in her costume!

Heff wanted to know if we had a more appropriate GOAT costume in the dress up room... that's waht he calls her in his office since she eats all of the paper "neatly" stacked all over his office.