Don't Leave ABA!

Tuesday night was "Going Away Party Number 17" for Auntie Baby Ann before she heads back to Vandy. We rode bikes over to Menlo Oaks for drinks at Ann's party with the fam and her friends... then we went for round two at Mark and Sarah's across the street for dinner. They made us a "thanks for watching our chickens" dinner which was delicious and exotic as usual. Their chickens grew so much while they were gone in 8 days and are now awkward teenagers in their big chick outdoor cage until Mark builds them a permanent hutch. We wandered back over to the Johnet's for a short stint to see Ann's friends who had gathered for late night pizza action and then headed home.

The city crowd came down for dinner... we missed Allison but Francie was wearing a cute bubble suit outfit Allison gave her. Thanks Allison and Happy Birthday!

Uncle Jerry played catch with her toy and Francie couldn't figure out how she could not get it to hit the ground! Quick reflexes Jer :)