Poolside Playdate

Friday afternoon we had a playdate at Icie and Estelle's house. It was supposed to be a poolside fiesta "Dos de Mayo" since Cinco de Mayo is still a few days away. The weather was a little muggy so we played with the babies inside with Icie's original frozen-slushie Mango Margaritas. The babies are all getting so big, crawling and standing and really playing with each other... they are pretty cute to watch!

Francie and Estelle working their spoons

Moms and babies everywhere

Paige and Wesley

Girlfriends Francie and Josie


Babies on the couch. L to R: Leo, Wes, Asher, Josie, Francie and Estelle

[Look how big they've gotten in 4 months! This was a playdate at Icie's on the same couch in December...]
L to R: Wes, Leo, Francie, Asher and Estelle

Yummmm. I gave Francie a few little bites of Meringue and then she crawled all the way over to snatch a big piece of the cookie so I let her go at it. She had STICKY fingers, toes, face and an hour after I washed her up I noticed her hair was sticking on end and she had crusted cookie on her ear :)

The true meaning of "Double Fisting" at Mommy group

Why do babies like to play with anything that ISN'T a baby toy? Francie and Josie playing tug-o-war with the wipes

Francie making faces at Paige

And the last moms standing... we tend to "overstay our welcome" at play dates :)
Paige and Wes, Me and Francie, Jordie and Joise, Icie and Estelle