Thursday Night at the Old Pro

Thursday night we walked down to the Old Pro in downtown Palo Alto for Icie's husband Bert's birthday bash. Baby Ann just got home from Nashville (yeah!) and joined us for the party... Francie came too of course, Old Pro is one of her favorite hot spots ;) We had lots of beer, fried food and even got a little bull riding' in (and I have the bruises to prove it) Francie slept through most of the night in her stroller under the bar tables. It was a fun evening... Happy Birthday Bert!

Erika and Leo (glad we weren't the only ones with a baby in a bar)

Here comes some bull riding

Sisters Mare and Baby Ann. (some guy came up to hit on Baby Ann in front of Heff... the poor guy didn't stand a chance at anything more than 8 seconds before he crawled away)

Bert on the Bull

Narrowly escaped injury... here with his lovely wife Icie :)

Yes, we went there. Baby Leo on the bull

My turn...

still alive climbing out of the pit