Francie's Day at the Beach

Wednesday Jannie, Francie and I went down to Aptos to hang out with Gauntie Kaky and Gauntie Mimi and Cousin Emmy at the beach. We stopped at Kaky's first and showed off Francie's latest tricks.... crawling like a mad-baby, pulling up, saying "Da-Da" and giving "High Fives." We all had lunch at Zelda's in Capitola on the beach and then did some baby shopping. Francie is S-P-O-Y-L-E-D (I know it's spelled, wrong it's a long story :) and Kaky bought her a cute cute new tunic top, Mimi bought her a little Wilbur the ig Piggy Bank and Jannie got her these little surfer girl skull and cross bones shoes Shiloh Jolie has too (Well Francie, I guess since we still haven't finished your Shiloh blanket the shoes are the next best thing.


Francie-Doodle and Kaky-Doodle (her nickname-namesake!)

Back at home Francie was making the rounds around the house, always ending up at the dog's water bowl...

I don't really see an end in sight to this problem.

"Haha suckers."

Looks like Double-Trouble


Emmy bought her these cute Lucky jeans with butterflies on the back pocket(you know the ones that say "Lucky You" on the zipper fly? These ones say "Lucky Me" :) and matching butterfly shirt (even Jannie thought it was cute and she has some strange aversion to butterflies)

"Check out my tush!"

"Just don't make fun of it!"

Loving her Daddy