That "Love Bug Crawling"

Francie is officially crawling! She did it first for her dad Monday morning while they were playing, showed it off for me and then when Emmy and Jannie were babysitting she zipped around like she knew what she was doing :) It's usually only a few paces before she takes a tummy-break, but she's getting further every time. I think this means it's time to baby proof the house. Here is a rough video from last night...

And while Francie was busy learning how to crawl, I was having a day at the salon getting hair and makeup done for a photoshoot. The place I always go for my hair (LaBelle) did a shoot for a new brochure or something and my hair guy (Raul, I love him :) asked me to be his model. It was fun and we had champagne and sushi all afternoon while the pampered us. I don't like my hair all curled and big like this and I'm kind of scared for where these pictures will end up (they do have some old ones in huge frames on the WALLS) but who could resist a free blow-out? My sister already made fun of me and asked me what Prom I thought I was going to...

Before and After: