Playgroup BBQ

We had a playdate BBQ at Amy, Scott & Asher's house Friday afternoon with nine babies, nine moms and five of the dads. It started out kind of like a junior high dance with the moms and babies in one room playing on the floor and the dads in the other room hanging out by themselves. We eventually got them to join in (I think that many women with babies is a little intimidating to walk into!) and passed the babies off to them after they finished grilling the burgers so we could all eat with two hands :) Amy made a yummy Sangria and we had a great dinner. The babies are playing with each other so much more now! Leo is the only crawler but most are sitting up, standing at toys and all reaching for each other's ears, feet and toys!

The dads double fisting babies and beers

"You know you've got a baby in the house when..."

"Crazy Paige" feeding Wesley who spent most of the party getting his diaper changed (three times in one hour Wes!?)... sorry Paige, I had to call you Crazy Paige again :)

The Hutchinsons

Icie with Estelle in the Bjorn for hands-free Sangria and salad eating

Time for the inevitable babies-on-the-couch picture...

Asher, Francie and Natalie ready to go...

We got six of them on there and everyone is still relatively happy...

Trying to squeeze them all in and Francie is melting down...

Big time! Wes is telling her it's going to be ok...

Then Asher shared his rattle with her and things were looking up...

These girls are not happy and the boys can't figure out why they are all crying...

Asher, Isaac and Wesley wondering how much longer they have to endure this torture

Estelle says "Why are they all crying!?"

"Ahh, finally back on the floor... I need my space!"