Sunday Shower for Mark & Sarah

Sunday Jan, John, Heff and I hosted a wedding shower for Uncle Mark and Aunt(yet-to-be-official!) Sarah at my parents house. Mark and Sarah are getting married next month and planning a very small wedding with just immediate family members... which means 5 people for Sarah and 19 people for the Heffernans :) We are all looking forward to it, but wanted to celebrate beforehand with family and friends. Since Mark and Sarah live across the street from my parents... it worked out well and their friends from UC Davis actually rode their bikes over the night before, a mere 130 miles! It was a great crowd and a perfect day. Congrats and Best Wishes to Mark and Sarah!

The Heffs

Jannie working on some pizzas with fresh herbs

Kat and Claire

It was a hot day... although at least 20 degrees cooler than our backyard wedding day :)

Sophie cooling off next to Francie

Lots of babies under a year old to play with Francie and Ronan!

Yummm... paper plate. Francie with Vivienne (8 months) and Ronan (11 months)

Zyler and his baby sister Zania (7 weeks) came in on the left and Baby Moya (9 months) joined the party on the right

Francie assuring Ronan "That's right buddy, this crazy girl singing songs and keeping the attention of 4 babies for over 4 minutes is OUR God-mother!"

The boys with the Doodle... Donald, John and Heff

Francie with her mom, Oma and Jannie

and Grampa too!

Dad pouring the bubbly for a champagne toast

The Johnets!

Time to feed babies... Francie with her feet first

Ronan with a funny face

Get me out of the contraption.

James and Em came to say hello

Uncle James is always worried about his god-daughter's eyesight in the sun :)

Francie didn't like those Uncle James... how many times does she have to tell you she only likes the J&J shades!

The party quieted down after about 7 hours :)

Francie in her fancy-pants PJ's ;)

We love you Uncle Mark & Aunt Sarah!