Francie... The Latest eBay Premier Seller

I have been busy the past few days helping Heff re-do our backyard and organizing the house. I am on a de-clutter mission. So I have, for the first time in my life, resorted to selling stuff on eBay. Actually it is kind of fun and a good way to get rid of stuff you know you don't need but can't face giving/throwing away. So far I have sold almost $600 worth of crap. My goal is $2,000 in a month. So yes, our office looks like a tornado swept through but Heff is okay with that sine everything is on it's way OUT of the house. Francie has been a good sport helping me organize and take pictures and list things online... her new favorite activity is pulling herself up on the plastic bins I have things organized in and pulling everything out. She keeps me entertained :)

"Hehe, I know how to make more work for my mom."

"It wasn't me."

Launching herself in any direction she can... and she loves being upside down!

"I'll bid on that."