Tuesday Night in the Neighborhood

Katherine and Donald brought over steaks last night and took over our kitchen to make dinner for us. Donald is a rancher and knows how to BBQ a great steak! Kat made Iceberg wedge salads and we stayed up way too late drinking good wine (gifts from my bday... but we couldn't find the bottle from Mike George:) and planning our skits for the Heffernan Family Reunion already (can we sing that song in mixed company Kat?) Francie had some sweet potatoes and rice cereal... yum. The Ryan family stopped by for a visit and we all hung out in the backyard which is in the process of being redesigned/landscaped etc... our project for the next few weekends!

Mark Ryan with Willie and Anna

Donald hasn't learned yet you never give Willie your cell phone. Especially when he is wearing his sister's headband.

Dad keeping the girls entertained

Willie planning his trip to the "treasure box" in our pantry...

Looks like rain... we want the warm weather back!