Francie at The Rodeo Day 2

Saturday was an action-packed Rodeo Day! We had breakfast at Claire and Tom's house (with Bloody Mary's Aunt Kat style of course!)then headed over to the Fairgrounds to check out the vendors (aka Rodeo Shopping) and get to our seats. They have a guy skydive in with a huge American flag to land in the arena to start the day. We were sitting in the bleachers next to the chutes and it was nice and sunny out but really windy so it was a little chilly. Heff went back to the car to load up on camo jackets to keep us all warm. We stayed until the end to catch the "Wild Horse Race" where teams of three guys try to saddle and ride a wild horse that has never been saddled/bridled around the track, it is completely nuts and usually a few end up in the ER! We saw Bull Riding, Bronc Riding, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping and all the usual Rodeo events.

Francie before the Rodeo getting psyched up

Ride um Cowgirl

You know what they say about "Wrangle Butts"...

That's right Francie, they "Drive Cowboys Nuts!"

Rodeo Time... All American ALL the time :)

Jane and Claire with the Cowboy Beverage of Choice

Mare and The Doodle with our cowgirl hats

Tipping her hat for the Pledge of Allegiance

In the stands with Dad and the crew... Francie says "These cowboys are crazy!"

I see you Francie-pants!

YUMMMM... corn dogs. I ate three of them on Saturday.

And the wind picks up... bundled up with Aunt Kat in a John Deere blankie and Camo jacket

Saturday after the Rodeo we went out to "Cow Pie Field" on Edward's Ranch for a party/camp-out with a bunch of the Red Bluff families. They know how to party! Tyler and Mary hosted everyone and made Cowboy Stew in big cast iron pots they buried underground on hot coals before Rodeo. Tyler brought a pop up camper for us to sleep in and everyone bundled when the sun went down. It was a COLD night but Heff came prepared (he knows the first time his wife is TOO cold on a camping expedition might be the last time we camp:) so we had big down sleeping bags and kept the Doodle bundled up. She slept pretty well and we had fun in the morning with everyone out in their PJs!

Cow Pie Field

Tyler bringing out one of the three pots

Mary and Tyler check the stew... looks good!

Madeline ATV'ed over from her house

Everyone eating dinner... notice Francie has her cowboy boots still on, just over her footy-pajamas!

GOOD MORNING! Francie looking around thinking "Did I really sleep in this camper!"

You did Doodle! Your first camping trip went off without a "hitch" :)

Haley and Francie in their pajamas hanging out in the morning sunshine

Hank keeping the bad guys away on his super-tricycle and pop gun