Babies in The Bluff

Francie got to play with her playgroup buddy Isaac in Red Bluff! Our friends the Hutchinsons came up to Red Bluff Sunday and Monday so Chad and Heff could get some hunting in (more turkeys and pigs). Lindsey is from Louisiana and fit right in:) We had the Flynn's all over for dinner at Claire and Tom's house Sunday night and BBQ'ed up some tri-tip. As usual Claire had a great spread for all to enjoy. The weather was perfect and we kept the babies entertained with the goats until the Flynn kids came to take over!

Francie and Isaac playing on the spa

The girls out in the warm, windy night kicking back

Heff and "Hutch" with Isaac at the BBQ (yup, they have one in Red Bluff too:)

Aunt Kat was a trooper and stayed on for dinner even though she had to be back in the Bay Area to report to Room 1 Kindergarten at 7am the next morning

Girls and their cocktails! Francie tried a sippy-cup

Madeline was such a great helper with Francie! She took care of her all night and even though Francie has a little of the "stranger anxiety" going she fell right into Madeline's arms and never left.

Francie's god-family... God-mother Kat, "God-sister" Madeline and Kat's God-son Ronan. Does that make Francie and Ronan God-siblings once removed or something?


Madeline and Francie-pants

Pretty in Pink... look at those cute girls :)

Cathleen's Pavlova got rave reviews