Rodeo Kick-Off Chili Cook-Off

We are up in Red Bluff this weekend so Heff can get some turkey and pig hunting in, but the festivities for Rodeo started this weekend (the big Rodeo event is next weekend) so we kept ourselves entertained while the boys were shooting guns. Yesterday Claire, Cathleen, Kat, Francie and I went to the Chili Cook-off and Fair downtown Red Bluff to check out the vendors and try lots of chili. You got a "Chili Tasking Kit" with a little cup, plastic spoon and a red ticket to vote for your favorite, then went around to all the booths trying their versions of chili. We voted for the Firemen's chili in the "People's Chioce" category, it was spicy and YUMMY. Kat and I found the beer bus so we were happy. There were lots of homemade things for sale like "Soy Candles by Jan" (anyone see "The Office" last Thursday... I'm not kidding!), jams, jellies, kids aprons and all kinds of stuff. Francie went home with her very own pink John Deere floor quilt

The Twins... dressed almost alike as usual

Kat and I trying to be like them in our "twin" ghetto-fabulous bedazzled camo hats

Francie went on a Pony Ride with her Oma...

She took the phrase "Hold on to your hat!" literally.

"Where's my polo mallet?"

Can't wait to see the Crazy Horse Race at Rodeo next weekend!