"You guys owe how much?!"

"Geez, no new outfits for me this month. Is that why I'm dressed like a rag-a-muffin today?"

I had to do our taxes this week. Two self-employed people, the sale of two businesses, the sale of SUV 1 (not to be confused with the crashed-and-burned stolen SUV 3) or the expenses incurred on business SUV 4, moving bank accounts, moving offices, a new LLC and a partridge in a pear tree. WOW. It's done and we get the bad news today to write those checks and mail them off to Ogden, Utah. I "heart" the IRS. At least we have a little Francie-pants "dependent" write off :)

Francie laughing when Dad told her she doesn't have to pay her own taxes for at least 18 years... to which she replied: "18? But Baby Ann still doesn't know what taxes are and she's almost 22 Mom!"

Francie spent the day with Jannie (6 hours away from Mom, yeah for yogurt and cereal!) and had a relaxing spa bath with her new lavendar Mustela Jannie bought her, lunch (oh wait, not in that order) and soooo much fun spread out on the floor with her Jannie and a house full of toys. I got in trouble for not leaving any extra outfits at Jannie's though, hence the interesting ensemble seen here.

"One more step and I think I can pinch his nose..."

Francie entertained herself while I finished the QuickBooks up at home on her very own version of Mom's laptop.

"Don't bother me... I'm blogging"

And Daddy saves her... "See ya, wouldn't want to be ya Mom! Dads taking me on a run and hopefully to the swings too!! Soo much better than those taxes."