The Pizza Oven is Back in Season!

Finally spring weather is here... and hopefully sticks around. We had the Heffernan's over for a pizza oven party Friday night at the Johnets. We hadn't seen Oma and Opa in a few weeks so it was great to have them down for a visit. We had dinner at our house Thursday night, then Claire (Oma), Francie and I did some shopping Friday. We all met for the first of many pizza oven evenings, can't wait for summer!

Jannie, Francie, Opa and Grandpa

Oma and Francie Thursday night (how did I miss pictures of Oma on Friday?!)

Jannie being sill with Francie-pants

"Maybe if I kiss Jannie I can steal her glasses without her noticing..."

The Johnets

Michelle and Kathy Bacolini with Francie

"When do I get to try some of that pizza Grandpa?"