Red Bluff Double-Trouble Weekend

We were in Red Bluff this weekend for Isabel and Ronan's double baptism Saturday morning and Katherine and Craig's double 29th birthday celebration Saturday night and Sunday (their real birthday:) We had ALL the Heff's up at Claire and Tom's house for a long weekend... including Maureen, Doug, Ellie and Kate who drove out from Utah (Doug only has 13 months left in his residency program there!). The house was so packed Maureen and Doug and the girls camped out in the front yard.

Andrea and Isabel ready for her Christening (wearing the dress and bonnet Kate was baptized in that Claire MADE!)

Ronan ready to go in his cute outfit too

All four Heffernan Grandbaby girls

Parents and God-parents on the altar

Dad and Francie watching from the isle

"Mom, I can't believe you forgot my dress at home, how embarrassing!"

Marge and Ronan

The big girls!

cute Daddy

Francie loves her cousins Ellie and Kate!!

Kate and Isabel

Isabel says "HELP!"

The twins with Isabel

Heff and Francie-pants

Back at the house for the Baptism reception... Maureen and Kat

Sarah and Mark

The LA Heffs

*Ellie broke some big news on the drive up to Red Bluff. Heff drove Mark & Sarah, Kat, Ellie, Francie and I up in the suburban and Sarah and Ellie were in the third row talking in the final hour of the long Friday afternoon drive up. We heard Ellie say:
"The elephant at our zoo is pregnant! And my MOMMY is pregnant too!"
Maureen is due September 18, Francie's birthday... Here comes the fifth Heffernan grandbaby!