Francie's First St Patty's Day

Francie and I continued out lenten resolution and walked to work Monday morning (yeah, I gave up driving for lent which just means my husband has to pick me up everywhere and sometimes it just isn't that convenient so I haven't been very good at my resolution, we gave up TV too though and have only watched two episodes of Reno 911 one night when we just wanted to veg and didn't have any movies) So Francie-pants and I stopped at the Park to swing after we stopped in at the doctors office to make her 6 month appointment.

We went in to the office for awhile to get some bills out and had lunch with daddy. Then we all headed over to Sacred Heart to help John BBQ for the Men's Club annual Golf Tournament. We do it every year, but since we were out of town last year this is the first year John go to show off his new tow-behind BBQ! It was fun to see lots of SHP families and serve tons and tons of tri-tip.

The BBQ team

Dad and his girl

Francie-pants looked like a boy in her green t-shirt and Levi's so I put a pink bow on her head :) even she thinks this is silly with all that hair she has (but the clip stays in!)

We got the clip (and sunglasses... just you wait a few pics) today when we walked down to see our friends at "Le Cirque de infants" a baby boutique a block from Academic Trainers. They have the cutest baby stuff and two girls I know own/run it. After lunch with Dad when I told him I was going to walk around downtown and enjoy the sun he knew exactly where I was going and said "Ok, can I have your wallet?" Hehe, I can't resist those cute baby things!

"Silly Mom"

Like father like daughter....

Those serious faces reading the latest on the Crack-berry

and both styling in their shades!

"Get this paparazzi outta here Dad"

Jannie, Francie and our good friend Cookie!

Serving steak to the golfers

My Dad living up St Patty's Day and loving the necessary BBQ accessory cigars

Jannie and Jer who came to help too... what a family affair :)

John and Kermit (my freshman english teacher!)... the famous BBQ'ers just missig our friend Jack Fleming who died last year, they had a great tribute to him at the BBQ and he was missed

Francie loving her silly uncle Jerry