A Whole Francie Day

Tuesday was Francie Day :) No work or anything to do except play with the little Francie-doodle! We had fun at home playing with her toys, walked to downtown Palo Alto for lunch with Jannie, met Dad at home with the landscaper to plan out our backyard, Francie and I made dinner for dad who came home early to hang a new "horsey" swing on the front porch and we both went to the park with Francie to play on the swings and the slides! Francie is a good sport to hang out with me at work some days... so it's really nice to have some nothing-but-Francie days too!

Her new favorite position, standing up on anything!

A new toy... very exciting

Her first ride on the swing...

"I am one lucky girl!"

Spitting bubbles, her 'I'm having fun!' sign

My friend Leslie came over for dinner too... she lives in Philly now and was just visiting so it was fun to catch up and introduce her to Francie all cuddled in her PJ's