Happy Birthday Jannie!

Wednesday we celebrated Jannie's birthday all day! Francie and I picked her up in the morning for a lunchtime party at Lovejoys Tea Room (our faaavorite!) in SF with the Coogan girls, Mary Kane and Barb with her baby boy who is only 3 weeks older than Francie. We had a nice afternoon and they saved our favorite big round table by the window for us. We came home for a wardrobe change and to hang out with cousin Emmy for awhile then piled in Grandpa Johns car to head back up to the city for dinner with the boys, Em and Allison at Joe DiMaggio's in North Beach. It was a YUMMY dinner and a fun night out to celebrate with the family.

The birthday girl with the baby girl

Yummm... beer.

Cousin Emmy the New Spartan Soccer Star smoochin' Francie-pants

Look at our BIG GIRL in a high chair!!! The waiter asked if we needed a high chair and I said "Oh no... um ok we'll try it!" and in true Jannie fashion proceeded to tell the young waiter it would be her first time trying a high chair at a restaurant... I'm sure he cared.

"What is this thing I'm sitting in?!"

She loves her new snake toy

Grandpa and the Doodle

James and Em

Jerry and Allison

The Johnets

What a cute Dad :)

James with The Ems!