Francie Has a New Office too

Francie has been having fun lunching with the ladies and hanging out with Mom and Dad. We have been moving Heff into his new office finally after the carpet guys finished yesterday. It looks great and is such a treat to have Dad working in the same building! We re-organized Academic Trainers offices and classrooms upstairs too so I have a "real office" (not just spread out all over the place) upstairs too. It has lots of playthings to keep Francie busy while I work, space to play with her on the floor and a crib for nap-time. I'll get some pictures when we finish tomorrow. A few pictures playing around at home in her cute pink dress...

Waiting for Dad to get the last load of books from his old office

Francie "I-bet-I-Can-Palm-A-Basketball-Someday" Heff

"Let's go Dad!"

Back home after a long day working on the new office! Sitting in her Bumbo while Dad opens some wine for mom. Yup, she's a drooler...

OMG Suzi! :) Our friend Suzi Tinsley dropped this off on our porch today... the GIANT Penelope the Pup from FAO Schwartz... Francie says "Get a load of this thing mom!

"How come you don't let me snuggle with Sage or Ollie like this mom?"

She loves the big Pup! Thanks Suzi :)