Meet the Blog Friends!

We got to meet our blog friends in real life! The Shigo girls Kate, Ella and Claire and their parents Kerri and Phil stopped by our house on their West Coast tour the day before Christmas Eve. Kerri and I became "blog friends" last year, she found through a mutual friend and sent me a note about blogging and I started following their cute blog too. They are living in Munich, Germany for a few years and are a totally adorable family :) Kerri and I have been emailing all year and we think we are "BBF's" (Best Blog Friends) so Phil and Heff were giving us a hard time meeting for the first time ever in person, they were teasing us since we missed the phenom this was our foray into online "friend-dating" and hoped we weren't too disappointed in each other :) We couldn't stop talking for their hour-and-a-half visit and the girls were so cute playing with Francie... we hope they move back somewhere near us after their Germany adventure!!

Kate, Francie, Ella & Claire

They brought Francie cute stacking dolls from Germany and some real German chocolate for Mom & Dad :)

and had fun with the dress up chest!

Kate and Francie eating cookies


and Claire!

Thanks for making the visit! We hope we get to see you guys in "real life" again soon!!!