An Exciting Saturday Night....

We were expecting a mellow Saturday to relax and unwind before Christmas craziness... but boy were we in for a surprise! Saturday morning we had breakfast at Lefty O'Douls, walked around the city and attempted a little shopping (not suggested with a sleeping baby in a stroller (I waited 25 minutes for an elevator that wasn't full trying to get off the fourth floor at Macy's.) So we snuck over to our next stop at the Ritz-Carlton and looked forward to a quiet night together... but little did we know we were in for quite an exciting night!

Keep reading to find out why I was taking pictures of champagne glasses ;)

"Wait. Where are we?" Francie woke up in this bed and looked around a little confused as to where she was. Then all of the sudden she starts saying "Oma! Oma! Opa! Go-Go, click-click!" We asked her if she had a dream about Oma and the horses and were just as confused until we realized the room was painted the same color as the room we stay at Claire & Tom's... she thought we were in Red Bluff and wanted to go see Oma and the horses!

Jannie and Francie sharing a morning snack at the St. Francis

She loves "scrolling" through photos of some cute baby on Jannie's iPhone

Breakfast/brunch at Lefty's

And after we abandoned shopping efforts we checked out the ice-skaters in the daylight

wandered around Union Square

Did some people watching

And met up with Aunt Kat and Donald who were Christmas shopping in the city for the weekend too!

We hung out for awhile and then parted ways with Jannie and Grampa to hit our next hotel stop

After a debacle in the St. Francis valet garage (they "lost" our car, but to give them a break it was NUTS in the city!) we found our way to the Ritz-Carlton a few blocks away for our annual Heff "family tradition" overnight. They sure took good care of Francie... her own baby sized Ritz robe, cute crib and bag of goodies including outlet covers, baby shampoos and a night light!

And her favorite treat... a balloon!

She indulged in a luxurious little bathtime :) and it's a good thing they had a robe for her since our bags were still MIA in our yet-to-be located car!

She's looking for trouble

Checking out the view

"Ahh this is the life."

We hung out in the Club Lounge snacking

and Kat and Donald came to join us for a drink...

We convinced them to ditch their dinner reservations and hang out with us for the night, snacking on hor d'vours and the open bar in the Club Lounge... Francie was pretty excited "Kat!" and "Daa" decided to stay

Donald, it turns out however, now had a problem. He pulled me aside and told me he needed some help on a "top secret mission." At first I thought he needed help figuring out what to buy for Kat for Christmas... until it hit me and I asked him "ARE YOU GOING TO PROPOSE TO HER!?" He said, "Yup, tonight at dinner was the plan." So basically Heff and I ruined his well planned engagement! Some quick thinking and Donald changed gears... we called the concierge and plotted a new plan. The hotel helped set up a suite with a view in the hotel with candles and rose petals :) We made up a story that because the hotel felt so bad about our car being lost they wanted to upgrade us to a suite... but I didn't feel like moving all of our stuff so maybe Kat and Donald should go check it out and see if it would be worth moving while Heff and I tended to Francie :) Donald was skeptical she would fall for it, but as Heff said "we had Kat at 'upgrade'" So they took off to check out the suite...

I was SO nervous... I can't even imagine how nervous Donald was! I got four glasses of champagne ready for a toast and of course blabbed the story to everyone sitting around us :)

Oh and by this point Francie was taking her nap on the carpet next to dad

The waiting was killing me! But they came out of the elevator with big smiles on their faces and a beautiful Tiffany's ring on Kat's finger. She said Yes of course :) (Donald did a great job picking a ring at the Tiffany's on Union Square earlier that day... but since they only have size 6 rings in the store Kat gets to sport it on her pinky until hey get it sized)

Pretty and sparkly!!

He really surprised her! And we were thrilled to be a part of their special night... sorry for screwing your plans up Donald :)

I love this picture, they make a cute couple. Now let the wedding planning begin! Summer 09 Kat?

I think I am almost as excited as Kat is :)

Francie woke up finally and we had to tell her all about what she missed. When we ask her what Uncle Donald gave Aunt Kat she says "YES!" CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES DONALD & KATHERINE!!!

"I gotta call Oma and tell her all about this!"