Winter Wonders

I love those rosy cheeks after nap time :) I have LOTS to catch up on for our kick-off-to-Christmas weekend! So while I'm uploading pictures and trying to blog while I chase Francie around the house... I'm posting a couple wintery-wonderland pictures my friend Susan sent me of my old polo horse "Alberto" who is retired on her ranch up in Oregon... looks like a good life as long as you've got a winter coat:) And a few more random pictures from Thursday and Friday before I dive into our weekend post.
Stay warm and Merry-almost-Christmas!!

Francie bundled up to feed her chickens...

"No one told me they made jackets for your fingers Mom!"

"How cool are these? They make 'um for Ollie too?"

Mag-lights are not easy to pick up with 15 month old arms... add mittens and it's truly a task :)

Back from helping Dad work in Uncle Mark's shop

And Owie came over to play... makes for a fun day for Francie!

Francie is learning to use a fork... her favorite meal lately is cooked carrots in soup (must have bullion :)

PACKAGES and PRESENTS just show up here?! What a fun time of year :)