Staying Warm and Keeping Busy

We've had a good week so far! Trying to stay warm in this freezing cold California weather, hanging out at the office (Academic Trainers is in BUSY season before finals!), playing with friends and getting ready for Christmas. I'm a pretty big whimp in the cold so Francie and I hang out at home in the mornings until at least the sun melts some "frost" (or... until noon;) and then go out and about for a few hours immediately followed by going home for comfy Juicy's, hot tea and cranking the heat.

Yesterday we had our Tuesday playgroup over for some hot cider and cookies... it was a tight squeeze but the babies had fun running around for an afternoon together.

Francie and Asher were hiding out in Francie's room

This morning Francie was trying to convince Ollie he wasn't supposed to be on the bed... but she got little sidetracked having too much fun snuggling up to him (she certainly didn't get this love of animals from her mom!)

Sliding off the bed... "Weeee!"

Being silly in her winter dress before our lunch date

"See ya Mom."

Her latest attempt at a "Cheese!" for the camera ;)

Twirling for me to show off her dress and the biggest bow I could find (thanks Le Cirque :)

I love these ruffle-bum-tights :) and her new trick is turning OFF all the lights in the house... a few more glasses of milk before she can reach the ON level

We had lunch with Alexis and James and then walked around downtown Palo Alto

we hit the Apple store...

and the bookstore

James and Alexis hanging out in Border's kids section

"So many choices I don't know where to start."

She managed to find her favorite Doggies book in the shelves. She calls it "nnn nnn nnn" after Doggie # 3

"You don't expect me to give this thing up do you?"