The Life of Fancy Francie

Yesterday Francie and I helped Emmy finish her final video project for her media & technology class... and Francie had the starring role! Her assignment was to shoot, edit and enhance a short video so she chose to make a children's story book video called "The Life of Fancy Francie." It turned out sooo cute and we had fun putting it together, Em had a sleepover at our house and we were both on our computers cracking up until 1am. Heff and Francie took her to the train station early this morning and she presented at 9:00am... she texted me from class (nice Em:) that her class AND teacher loved it and she got an A :) YAY EMMY!

working hard on iMovie til the wee hours of the night ;)

(if the video says "not currently available" on YouTube try this one)