Oma & Opa Come for Dinner

Sunday night Claire and Tom were down in the Bay Area for a doctor's appointment Monday morning so we all had dinner at Jannie and John's with Uncle Mark and Aunt Sarah and of course Goody visiting from Bostson. Oma and Jannie did the ring test on the pregnant girls (Sarah is 22 weeks and I just hit 20... about far enough along to do Jannie's infamous test!) You hold the pregnant girls wedding band over her belly on a string of her hair (did you study witchcraft Jannie?) and if it swings in a circle it's a girl, a pendulum back and forth is a boy. It works! 50% of the time ;) We had a great visit and Francie was so excited to see her Oma and Opa.

Oma and Jannie BOTH trying the ring test on Sarah... and both times said GIRL! :)

The Ring...

My turn... and twice it said GIRL!

The boys... Tom, John and Goody (Who is a saint! Goody is actually Craig Heff's (Brian's youngest brother and Isabel's Dad:) good friend and basketball teammate from MIT days but Goody seems to be everyone's new BFF. He took my mom and Aunt's on tours of Boston when they were back visiting colleges for Claire and my mom somehow convinced him to pick up an antique high chair she bought as a local pick up only item in Boston! He met this guy on a freeway exit, had it wrapped in bubble wrap at the UPS store and checked it as luggage on his flight out here to deliver to Jannie at baggage claim. Francie's spoiled little tush thanks you Goody!)

Francie and "toph" entertaining Oma and Goody

"I'm ready to eat in my fancy new high chair..."

"Seriously, what are we waiting for?"

"Oma says I don't have to go to bed mom."