A Baby Shower

Sunday my mom and I hosted a Baby Shower for my good friend Anne. We had a lovely, traditional ladies lunch to celebrate Anne's baby who is due to arrive in three weeks. Jan and John were a big help getting everything ready and running back to the store three times (thanks Dad) for the stuff I forgot. Michelle was a great help too, she is an expert in Jannie's kitchen. We had some famous Jannie recipe salads, homemade biscuits, Jannie's apple crisp and hot cider... it was a pretty fall day to be inside watching Anne open all the cute baby boy shower gifts. I can't wait for this little boy to arrive and see Anne and Sergey in action as parents! :)

Anne and the ladies

Francie playing outside (in the mud in her dress:) with her buddy Linda

Anne gets some help opening baby gifts

The littlest guest... how adorable is she!

Francie tries to "help" too... modeling a little hat :)

Being silly in the pram

"Oh the tiny baby is going naa-nee!" (night-night for Francie when she pretends to be a "little tiny baby" :)

Francie hurt herself on the chair and Jannie says "No No bad chair!"

Francie LOVES sticky lollipops...

...almost as much as she loves the big kids!

And her bangle jewelry from her Jannie

Francie's dad pulled off an impressive feat and dressed her to come to the shower after her nap (I was helping get ready over at the Johnets) He picked a blue party dress for the baby boy shower :)

I know Francie, I was shocked too... Good work Heff!

"Aren't you gonna kiss me Sophie?"

"Come on over I've got apple all over me you can slurp!"

"You don't need me to clean up mom... I'm going up to my nursery to play with the toys."