Saturday Night Dinner

Saturday night we had dinner at Icie and Bert's house. They cooked up a gourmet four-course meal and brought out the china for a fun "formal" dinner! Francie was the only baby there... oops :) Jannie and Grampa had dinner plans and I figured at least someone would bring their baby but Estelle was asleep, Leo with his aunt and uncle and Wes was sleeping in a pack-n-play next door. Our little night owl was pleased as punch to have all of Estelle's fun toys to herself and to torture their little dog Cali. She had her own place set at dinner and loved Bert's homemade roasted red pepper soup and Icie's souffle. She got a little cranky during dinner so after we let her throw a few fits we threw a pillow on the floor next to the table and she laid down for some back scratchies and fell sound asleep :) Ahhh.... we got to enjoy the yummy dessert and after dinner drinks in peace and quiet. Thanks Legrands! (for the pictures too Icie:)

"Where's my wine? Just because Mom can't drink doesn't mean I can't partake."

Our hosts Icie and Bert


Chris and Paige

 Josh and Erika

 "PJ's... pillow.... ohhhhh."

And she's out.

Tired mom and dad too, but having fun!

Are we bad parents? ;)