Greg and Trish Get Hitched

This weekend we were in Red Bluff for Greg and Trisha's wedding. We were all a little worried about the dark clouds and forecast of RAIN for their outdoor wedding on Edwards Ranch... the ceremony was set to start at 4:00 on the ranch across the creek from the reception site. Heff and I helped Greg get some last minute details finished up for the party (it only took four of us and six different stores to find the right adaptors for the propane heaters!) for most of the day while Francie hung out at home with her Oma, Opa, Nana and "Great Grannie" (Heff's 95 yr old grandma who is up in Red Bluff now told me that's what she wants Francie to call her in case you Heffernan's are wondering who the heck I am talking about!) The clouds were looming and broke open in a downpour around 3:00... we all showed up at the ranch in rain gear prepared for the worst. Well, at about 4:10pm the clouds cleared and the sun peaked through! It stayed dry the rest of the night, made for a beautiful evening and we didn't even need the heaters :) We all had fun catching up with friends, enjoying the good wine and good food and Francie had a ball getting down and dirty with all the big kids at the wedding!

Mom and Francie getting ready at Oma's house and almost ready to brave the rain

Dad and Francie with Ava on the ranch waiting for the bride to arrive

Brendon and the Sakai Family under umbrellas (Baby Ryan is 2 months now and so cute!)

Pretty Oma with Heff and Francie

Here comes the bride... just as the clouds were clearing!

Walking back to the party tent with Dad

"Get me to the dance floor!"

Francie with her favorite Red Bluff girlfriends

The tent

Francie found the windows and was cracking us all up!

Then she took a little tumble (aka faceplant) in the dirt but Madeline took good care of her and brought her to her mom for a cleanup

Eating dinner with her Oma

First Dance

They made a playpit for the kids out of giant hay bales... the kids had more fun running circles on the bales but it kept them all busy most of the night!

Crazy kids at sunset

In action jumping off the hay bales

"MOM stop taking pictures and pick me up!"

Eating cheesecake!

Spencer and his Dee-da

Dad says "Is she hungry Mare?" :)

"Did he not just see me signing 'FEED ME NOW'?"

Trish wants a hug from Francie (in her PJ's for late night:)

Francie-pants doesn't know how lucky she is to get a squeeze from the bride and groom

Even her PJ's were covered in dirt but she sure had fun!

"Back to the dance floor to find my friends..."

Congrats Greg and Trish!! It was a perfect day to celebrate your wedding :)