Francie's Fall Day

Yesterday we had a fun day hanging out at home, picking up Jannie for lunch, playing at the office and heading back to Half Moon Bay with Dad to make another trip to the Pumpkin Patch! It was a busy day...

"Let's call Jannie and see if she wants to go to lunch with us."

"First I gotta pick out some books to bring with me..."

Playing with Ollie in the front yard and doing her chore of putting down all the sprinkler heads that get stuck up :)

Hugs for "OWW-WA!"

Jannie, Francie and I hit one of our favorite lunch spots "The Red Currant" with books and Francie's fake cell phone in tow to keep her entertained.

Also entertained by going through Jannie's purse and pulling out her wallet, money and glasses which had to go on the face, maybe just upside down most of the time

And after lunch throwing Jannie's money in the wa-wa fountain!

Francie and Mom walking around the gardens

We found this cute Halloween-y set up to take photos in the gardens but of course Francie wanted nothing to do with actually posing or looking at the camera

"Yeah right Mom."

Hugs for the pumpkin

After lunch we met Dad at the office and went on a family outting back out to Half Moon Bay for some supplies for our Halloween party! Francie got some "Na-nas" at a flower/fruit stand and enjoyed from the comfort of her carseat while dad tied down our hay bales :)

We hit up the Lemos Farm Pumpkin Patch on the way home (a different one than we went to last time) and Francie got to see lots of animals, pumpkins and even got to operate the Dig Tractor

"There are like 40 chickens in there Dad!"

"Those aren't chickens Francie... BIG old Turkeys!"

Can you see the look of terror on Francie's face? She did NOT like the goats attacking her Dad for the food!

We finally convinced her to "pet" the littlest baby goat

Dad had to feed the goats some other little girls feed who were terrified of the attacking goats... he got swarmed and this time Francie kind of thought he was funny from the safety of Mom's arms:)

"Dad take me over there to the ducks please!"

"Hey this thing isn't real." (the REAL pony rides at this place were a little scary, after we saw a pony practically BUCK Dad said no way. GOod thing he has better judgement than Mommy and Jannie do from the top of a bounce slide at the pumpkin patch:)

The tractor was a big hit too despite the scary guy driving it

"You just put money in and it GOES! Choo-choo!"