A Day at Home With The Doo

Francie and I took a day off today to hang out at home and be domestic :) We went to the park for lunch with the one year old babies group, got to play with Dad at home for awhile after his lunch meeting for Rebuilding Together and then Francie and I got busy in the kitchen making cookies. We had an impromptu afternoon playdate with our neighbors Emma, Owen and Alexa too and Francie went NUTS for bubbles. She did not however think it was so much fun when I took one of the chickens out of the cage to let her "pet." Appearantly she thinks chickens belong in their cage and was not happy until they were all safely locked away... we'll have to work on that one :) Heff and I walked to the park when he got home from work and found neighbors at the dog park who had a backpack full of Coors Light... he was pretty happy while we chased Francie around the slides.

Time to "cook"!

Precisely measuring the ingredients...

"You mean that thing just goes around and around and then cookies come out? How easy is that!"

"Oh. You didn't say anything about cleaning up Mom."

"If I actually say 'CHEESE' for the camera do I get TWO cookies before my nap?"

Umm-umm-umm! Cookies. They were "Ginger Spice Snaps" but my baking skills are always a little lacking (I tend to "estimate" a little too much) They were quiet SNAPPY!

Dad and Francie test them out with a glass of whole milk :) (She still won't drink it, but was happy to dip her cookie in it!)

Too bad they look prettier than they taste...

We finally harvested the leftover tomatoes and peppers in our little garden. We planted 9 pepper plants this year but the gardeners accidentally pulled out all of the stakes that told us which ones were which... makes it kinda hard to tell a Habenero from a Sweet pepper when some of them look the same! (A few chicken eggs mixed in there too)

Our chickens are apparently on steroids or something... some days we get like 7 eggs and we have 5 chicks. It makes teaching Francie math very difficult. ;)

We had a watermelon left over from Francie's birthday we cut in half and gave to the chickens... they pecked the thing down to a thin little rind in a day! (The new half I just put in next to the old one)

Francie had her bath and was all tuckered out by bedtime... Dad insisted she sleep near us while we caught up on the Office and Survivor so we brought the bassinet out (which usually holds the clothes I need to fold) Francie has had random spontaneous major barfing incidents the last two nights (sorry ABA, I know I supposed to save that for the TMI only blog) and once was in her sleep so her Dad didn't want her all the way on the other side of our enormous house (or on the other side of the wall). She looks like such a big kid in here!! Heff said this is what he looks like sleeping in our double bed.

Awwwwww :)
September 25, 2007