Lucky Girls

I don't brag about my husband very often but... he is the best. This is what I woke up to: Francie still in her jogging stroller watching Heff doing the dishes from last night, whipping up some homemade pancake batter, making my favorite Lucy the Pig sausage AND pouring me a Mimosa! All while I slept in. Am I spoiled or what!?

I love my Daddy!!

Fresh OJ and the recipe Heff found for homemade pancakes... he said "I think every Dad should have a good pancake recipe right?"

Francie is such a big girl she can stand at the toy Oma gave her for Christmas! (although the big girl's PJ's are still a little baggy:)

After breakfast we went to see the movie "Juno" at the little theater in Palo Alto. It was HILARIOUS and reminded me that we are very lucky to have a baby Francie-doodle in our life. (Francie's second movie and she slept through almost the whole thing:)

Thanks for breakfast and all the special treatment love! What a great day :)

Francie in her hoodie Saturday

Saturday he helped me out at work hanging new signs and moving computers and all kinds of stuff, then we had a few cocktails and appetizers together at Left Bank before heading home to relax, play some Scrabble and make ourselves a Duck Feast! He brought home two ducks from the hunting trip (where the wind was actually too strong to duck hunt for most of the trip!) and cleaned them at home. We made my Grandpa's famous yummy duck sauce and they were perfectly cooked.

Heff showing the Ryan kids the ducks on the BBQ

Quack, quack... bang, bang

Francie watching us cook dinner "Dad made those ducks naked Mom!"

Thanks for being the best Dad we could even imagine Heff!