Francie's Cowboy Playdate

Tuesday we had some of our friends over for a Cowboy/Cowgirl Playdate. We decided to throw a theme in there to mix things up and we hosted at our house so it was a cowboy theme of course! The babies are between 6 and 1 month so it's still mostly fun for the moms to eat, drink and watch babies roll around on the floor (or not roll, just watch the "older" babies roll :) We had a fun afternoon. Today (Wednesday) Heff's cousin Margaret and her cute baby Ronan (Francie's big cuz) came to stay for a few days so we did the playdate circut... lunch at Nordstrom Cafe them Stanford Moms Group for the 5-9 month babies. Francie "graduated" from the 0-5 month group! (She is only 4.5 months, but a group of the 4-5 monthers made the jump up and with Ronan here we decided to try it out) No more talk about first baths and sleeping through the night, now it's first foods and less sleeping more playing! Then Margaret and I did some baby shopping at Day One and drove around to do some errands so the tuckered out babes could sleep in the backseat.

Some more pics from the Cowboy Playdate:

Wesley and Estelle dressed up to play

Icie "double-fisting"

Francie checking out the big guys

Leo and Isaac

Francie says "hey, thats my Sophie" ("Sophie" the giraffe is the most popular pre-teething and teething toy around... Carson gave it to Francie as a "hostess gift!") :)

Thanks Carson :)

Moriah and Natalie representing the new babies! Moriah lives right behind us and Natalie just turned one month old

Neighborhood buddies

Natalie, Wesley, Francie, Carson, Isaac and Leo (Estelle was sleeping)

Natalie holding her own with the big kids, Wes showing off his Roper's... Francie holding Leo's hand :)
