Francie hanging out at home

I'm not letting go of this binky (Dad picked out the binky holder... how cute!)

Our good friend Ann Skidmore came over to meet Francie and brought us yummy chicken soup. She and my mom met in Lamaze class when they were pregnant with me and Jen... Ann remembers when I was this tiny!

Dad home from a few hours in the office and back to assuming his favorite position (Francie's favorite too!)

Mary Frances in her cute sweater Jannie just finished

She likes her matching booties too (too hot for the hat today)

"You are nuts Grannie Jannie..."

" you realize this sweater you worked so hard on shows my little belly when I stretch my arms up!?"

Sorry Francie, we'll put a onesie on under it next time! View from the back...

New mirror in the stroller for Francie to check herself out... and check out the multiple outfits she gets changed into everyday thanks to her mom and Jannie!