Crab Dinner at Grandpa & Jannie's to celebrate the new member of the family

Francie's first dinner out! Getting ready to go to Grandpa and Jannie's house for a celebratory Cracked Crab Dinner, a tradition in the Simo family for bringing babies home.

Trying out the crib in Grandpa and Jannie's pink nursery - Jannie made this quilt for Francie this morning! We love pink all of the sudden :)

Francie is pretty popular! (Auntie Baby Ann thinks she shoud have her own Facebook page because all of her friends at Vandy want to be friends with Francie) Here: James, Em, Jannie and Heff looking in

Big Yawn!

Uncle Mark also deserved a toast for the evening as he just completed his PhD in Computer Engineering (although when I asked Claire and Brian what it exactly focused on they paused and said "Hmmmm, well it has to do with compilers) He's working at Google now to make things faster is the answer we settled on :)

Francie slept in a bassinet on the table next to the dinner table, she was sleeping soundly while we toasted our wine glasses and cracked crab

James and Em in their crab bibs

The new Dad at at head of the table along with the other Dad, Grandpa!

Uncle Jerry & Allison

The new parents

Oma, Jannie and Kat

Uncle Mark and Aunt Sarah - Francie was born on Aunt Sarah's birthday!

Big yawn for her godfather, she woke up right after dessert

Jannie was appalled we changed Francie's diaper and put her PJ's on at the dining room table :) I think Francie will get away with ANYTHING at Grandpa and Jannie's house!