Lucky Baby Heff

This is going to be a very lucky baby! I had two baby showers this weekend while Heff worked hard cleaning and organizing the garage and backyard to make room for Baby and Baby Stuff. My good friends Nancy, Molly and Janna (the "Mariani Sisters") threw a baby shower Saturday in Los Gatos... it was a great group of girls and a beautiful day, I am so lucky to have such great friends! Especially since Nancy, Molly and Janna all have two kids already so are helping me figure out how to get ready for the baby, and I hope will teach me how to be awesome mom's like they are. We had fun playing a "Baby Concentration" game, enjoying lots of yummy food and talking babies with good friends. Thanks girls!!

The Mariani Girls and Mare!
Janna (with Joe), Nancy (with Whitney), Mary, Molly and Tracy

Ann, Mare and Jan

Nancy and Mary with babies in the bellies!

Then Sunday we had a family and friends get together in Aptos at my Aunt Kathy's house hosted by Aunt Kathy, Aunt Mimi and Aunt Kim! It was a beautiful day at the beach and great to see lots of relatives, cousins, aunts, great aunts and friends. My Great Aunt Marge was there and she just became a Great-Grandmother last week as my cousin Molly and her husband Bryan had a baby boy, Brady Wolfe. Molly and I were the first grandchildren for our grandmothers (sisters Mary and Marjorie) and we were two months apart, and it looks like Molly's baby and my baby will be two months apart as well! We got lots of beautiful gifts, including handmade baby blankets from Aunt JoAnn, Carmen Rilovich and our friend Jean who was my grandmothers caretaker before she passed away. Everyone was so generous and thoughtful, Baby Heff (and his/her parents) are very lucky!!

The Aunts... Mimi, Mare, Kathy and Kim

Hanging out with the cousins after the shower

Emmy and Claire fighting over "Ann-me-downs" (Ann cleaned out her closet before she heads back to Vandy!)

Emmy's cute room (the belly is getting big!)