Road Trip

Heff and I have landed in Salt Lake City at the Matthew's after four days in Montana and a night camping in Yellowstone Park. Yes, I actually camped for a night, but only after we purchased an entire car load of camp gear in Montana... I survived and Heff gave me an "A+" first time camping award.

We are having so much fun here in Utah with our favorite neices, Ellie and Kate... and with their mom and dad too! We managed to catch Doug on a night home which is rare since he's a medical resident and on a trauma rotation at the moment. We all had a great BBQ dinner outside in their fun backyard and beautiful garden Thursday evening followed by some fireworks with neighbors in the front yard. Friday we spent the day at a really neat, brand new Children's museum by their house, then at Ellie's swim lessons and sat in the kiddie pool with Kate (it was 102 degrees here!)

A few pictures from the trip so far...

Brian and Doug with the girls on the front steps of their adorable house... note Ellie's new "running shoes" and socks, all she needs to show us how fast she can run!

Ellie with a smoke bomb on the back of her fancy bike!

Kate trying to outride the blue smoke!

Mary and the girls at Liberty Park a few blocks from their house

Look at the Utah Sunset over Kate and Heff!

Kate in the chicken coup... with the chickens Henrietta, Madame LuLu, Shelly, Harriet etc :)

Ellie collecting the eggs for the morning

The girls in their new outfits

Maureen, Heff and the girls after a trip to the Utah Discovery Children's Museum and lunch at CPK