Newborn Care Class

Heff and I had another baby preparation class tonight... he is a very good sport to get dragged to all these childbirth and baby prep classes with me! But we will only do this once in our life and we're having fun with it. Tonight's class was at Day One in Palo Alto, a place for "new and expectant parents," and showed us how to hold, swaddle, diaper, dress, clean, bathe, soothe and generally care for a newborn baby. We got to practice with creepy looking baby dolls like this one...

but Heff being the good big brother that he is was an expert at all of it and kept reminding me I wasn't holding the babies head well enough. (I promise I'll be better with the REAL THING Heff!) When we had to practice with the diapers, most dads were trying to figure out which end was up and Heff announced to the class that "you just put the Pooh in front" which stopped most people in their tracks until they realized the practice diapers had Winnie-the-Pooh characters on them.

One of the best parts of the class is observing the other pregnant couples, there are some very "different" people in this world! We always get in the car after these classes just busting at the seams with "OMG, did you see/hear that lady's..." :) It keeps us entertained.

No more classes until next week!