The parents-to-be!

We're about to hit the third trimester! I can't believe how fast it's going and how soon Brian and I are going to be parents. I am still feeling really great and the baby (who continues to be better known as Cletus the Fetus) is moving and kicking pretty often. Today the baby was going crazy when Heff was talking as I stood behind him, leaning against his back... I guess he or she recognizes his Dad's voice!

Tonight, Katherine had us all over for dinner a great dinner at her house, across the street from my parents, with the Johnets and our good friend Joanie Huck, my sister who is still in town before she heads to Croatia for 6 weeks and Mark Heffernan who just started his first week at Google so is living here during the week before his finace, Sarah, moves down to the Bay Area too. Heff and I are so lucky to have so much family so close by and to have so much fun together. We can't wait to have the baby along at family dinners too! (move over Baby Ann:)

I'm getting bigger everyday... as you can see from this photo our friend Susan took at the polo fields last weekend, she did a lot of our wedding photos and takes care of the horses too, Thanks Susan!