Happy 60th Birthday DAD!

We celebrated John's big 60th last night at The House of Prime Rib in San Francisco. Baby Ann has her Nashville boyfriend, Justin, visiting for the weekend so he joined us for a California Prime Rib dinner... kinda like a "Meat N' Three" :) The boys brought Emily and Allison too, Ann thinks this is the first dinner we've all had dates at! We had a great dinner and showered John with funny birthday cards. Ann won best card with her proctologist and a birthday cake card, sure to get a laugh out of dad :) We bought Dad a new Canon 30D SLR camera with all the attachments (just think of all those pictures he can take of Baby Heff!) He used to be the camera man of the family (lots of close ups!) but since film cameras became old news he hasn't been taking as many pictures... we can't wait to post John's new shots :)


Justin and Baby Ann

Dad and Mom