20 Week Ultrasound Appointment

We had our big 20 week Ultrasound Friday morning which was a marathon 3 hours!! Turns out Baby Heff is like his/her mom and likes to sleep in :) Heff embarrassed me by thelling the nurse, "This baby must take afer my wife's side of the family... too early in the morning for movement" to which the nurse replied "Uh, it's almost noon." Brian said, "Exactly." :) The baby was curled up in a corner and they couldn't get all of the pictures they needed of the heart, kidneys, and lower spine. It was pretty comical to see what I had to do to try to get the baby to move! First jumping up and down, drinking apple juice and gatorades, "knocking" on my belly... which all escalated to me on all fours on the exam table shaking my hips and doing half-way headstands! Heff was just laughing at me and threatening to take camera phone pictures of me (sorry, no one has to see that!) BUT we did get to see the baby! I couldn't believe how big he/she was, I said to the nurse "That looks like a real kid!" she replied... "what did you think it was?" We saw little arms moving in front of it's face, feet that Heff said are as wide as they are long, and a great profile of the baby's face. I'll scan the pictures in from work this week. It was so much fun and made this baby seem so much more real. We're now past the halfway mark!