Red Bluff Rodeo Weekend

Heff had to work a ton this weekend but we snuck up to Red Bluff for Rodeo late Friday night and Saturday. Craig and Andrea came up from LA and Katherine brought a couple of friends so we had a crowd at Claire and Tom's house. We went to watch the Rodeo Friday night with the Flynn's and had great seats in the sky box above the roping shoots....RB Rodeo chutes.JPG RB Mary Kristie Rodeo.JPG RB Rodeo Mare.JPG
Saturday it was COLD in Red Buff! The rain came in and it was cold and wet all day long. We were in the stands on aluminum bleachers that just seemed to suck the heat out of you... Heff packed dry pants and my hunting jacket, but even all bundled up we were freezing. But we stuck it out to watch the cowboys, the rodeo acts, and my favorite the "crazy horse race." It was still a great day, especially with corn dogs and rodeo food! :)RB Rodeo Heff.JPG

RB Rodeo Cow Pie Field.JPG RB Rodeo Cow Pie kids.JPG After Rodeo we went out to Cow Pie Field on the Weber's family ranch (where Heff and I got engaged!) for a BBQ with a bunch of Red Bluff families... it was still cold but the girls all hung out in the trailers families brought to camp out in while the guys manned the BBQ and bonfire. We finally dried out and had a great time with the whole crowd.

RB Dress Up.JPG Back at the Heffernan's playing with Claire's dress-up chest! I guess I should explain this picture... Jane Flynn's grand-daughter Mary Claire was over for dinner with us Saturday night and found Claire Heffernan's stash of dress-up clothes, she chose outfits for everyone... including Craig! In the picture, left to right: Craig, Andrea (28 weeks pregnant!), Claire, Kat and Mary Claire, Jen and Cathleen (Claire's twin sister, can't you tell:) Always fun at the Heffernan's house!