
We just got back from our trip and had so much fun with "The Johnets" in Oahu. We spent most of the time out by the pool and on the beach reading books, playing Scrabble and of course ordering fruity drinks (mine just lacked the main ingredient!) Heff managed to get some work done with his laptop and an internet connection some mornings too. I was so excited he was so easily "talked into" the last minute trip... but he told a friend that I've been a "trooper" through the first trimester and the only thing I complained about was being so pale, a problem he said this could fix. :) (I think he conveniently forgot about all the other complaining I do!) We had a great time and hope to make it an annual trip... if all goes well just with Baby Heff next year!

Here are some pictures from the trip...


Jan and Mare Enjoying "High Tea" on the veranda


Mare and Heff after dinner

Mare and Jan
The Johnets