Happy Birthday Heff! We're Going To Have a BABY!!!

So the news is out... we're pregnant! We made the announcement tonight at Scott's restaurant in Palo Alto to Claire and Tom, Jan and John, Katherine, Mark and Sarah, Sarah's brother Jacob, and of course the eldest Heffernan granddaughter Ellie as a special guest! We waited until after dinner when Heff was opening his birthday presents (his real bday is tomorrow, Valentines Day). Everyone was SOO excited and we passed around the ultrasound pictures for proof :) Janet and John are already trying to decide what their grandparent names are going to be and Claire called the rest of the Heff siblings from dinner to share the news. We're just at 2 months or 9 weeks so still a little early to break the news but we weren't going to have both of our parents in the same place at the same time for awhile.. and once the news is out in this family it's out!baby carriage.jpg

Heff's Surprise Birthday Party...

Janet, Tom, Heff & Mare, John and Claire... proud grandparents-to-be of Baby Heff! At the restaurant right after we told them the news.
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