Francie and her cousins in Red Bluff

Saturday we had another day at home to hang out with family and cousins... guess what we did with the babies again!? Here in John Deere overalls Aunt Kat had given them at Thanksgiving Andrea and I both had on hand by coincidence

6 of the 7 cousins from l to r: Aly, Francie, Ellie, Kate, Maggie and Isabel
(we lost a few members of the tribe to a 24 hour flu bug the last few days... Ronan was one of them and sequestered in the other house Saturday and Sunday:(

Kate isn't really into "the babies" :) but obliged with her arm around Isabel long enough to snap a quick picture

Naptime with Dad

And of course we had to fit in a visit to the Flynn's Saturday night!

The kids. Madeline (Heff's god-daughter) was great with Francie and made a playmat for her on the rug with their old baby blankets and quilts. The Flynns gave Francie some fun toys for Christmas that kept her entertained along with watching Heff compete against Madeline in tennis on their new Wii!

Weber and Trish were there too, thanks for the photography tips on my new camera Web ;)

Ellie is also great with Francie and loves being the "oldest cousin" (hummm... I know another one of those, maybe I'm a little partial to the role of the oldest!) oh, and Francie LOVES that Whoozit-on-steroids Santa brought her!

Ellie even helped change Francie's outfits and daipers!

A happy girl with her Opa

A great picture Heff took of Opa with his baby grand-daughters Isabel and Francie