Francie... meet Francy!

Uncle Bob and Aunt Francy came down to visit from Lake Oswego this weekend and Francy got to meet Francie! Claire and Tom came down from Red Bluff too and Mark and Sarah made a yummy dinner for everyone (The Johnets too!) at our house Friday Night

Uncle Bob, the Pediatrician, checks Baby Francie out, and Aunt Francy looks on.

Saturday we bundled up Francie so Heff and I could walk her over to Stanford for some Big Game Tailgating! It was pretty cold and a long walk but we were warm in our layers and Jannie picked us up for a ride home afterwards :)

I've been a little slow on blogging the past few days... and I've been hearing about it! One of Jannie's friends even emailed her to make sure "everything was ok" :) We were just busy with some holiday festivities and family stuff, Heff took the day off Friday so I didn't have my morning blogging time with Francie :) Promise to be better this week!

Francie all dressed up for a Holiday Luncheon at Sacred Heart Thursday...