3 Months Old!

Francie turns three months old tomorrow... it's gone by so fast! I feel like it was just a few weeks ago she was born, but it has been thirteen weeks of Francie-festivities. She continues to be a happy, content baby and is spoiling her parents with lots of sleep and now lots of smiles. She giggled for the first time and it was adorable! We look forward to seeing her grow and impress us with her baby skills everyday :)

Tonight Aunt Kat came over to bake some cookies and make cupcakes... proof behind her that Alaska Airlines recovered the missing container. We tried a few links tonight, not bad for goose sausage :)

Francie says "This fist is coming at you mom, you promised no naked pictures on the internet!" I haven't been very good about writing down imporant milestones in a baby book but since I seem to be better at blogging (yes, go ahead and make fun of my daily picture posts:) I figured if I took a picture periodically of her weight on the scale I could figure it out just the same... so her is all 13 pounds, 9 ounces of MaryFrances a day shy of 3 months.

Uncle Mark and Sarah came over for dinner too... they are finalizing their wedding plans for the fall, we are so excited to celebrate! Sarah and Kat were making Francie smile and almost eeked out a laugh.

Heff fell asleep with Francie while I finished up some online Christmas shopping (did I tell you how much I love Amazon?) I couldn't resist a picture of the sleeping duo... Francie is a happy girl in her Daddy's arms. Heff started running in the mornings with her in the jogging stroller, he has so much fun with her and says they "talk" the whole way :)