Francie Time

Francie had to return to Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital at Stanford today for a hip ultrasound. Our pediatrician Dr. Cisco recommended it as a standard procedure for breech babies since the way they sit and exit the womb can very occasionally cause hip dysplasia. Heff had a work meeting so Jannie and I took Francie first thing this morning to get checked out. She was SO good and slept through the whole thing (even while we flipped her from side to side and they rubbed the ultrasound device all over her!) Her hips looked fine and we were reminded just how lucky we are to have a healthy baby.

Sleeping baby in a diaper after her exam

Thanks for helping us Jan

Then we went to the shopping center for lunch at California Cafe... Francie was all smiles. (I'm loving my new iPhone and took all of these pictures with it!)

After a good shopping day (20% off pre-sale at Bloomies!) we headed home to relax. She had a bath, one of her favorite activities and then bundled up in her little lamb towel from the Christensen's that says "Lil' Heff" on the back:)

Heff and I somehow figured out that she likes to have "Francie Time" by herself in her crib with the mobile on and sometimes a binky. When she gets a little fussy in the evenings we put her in the crib and keep cranking the mobile ever so often, she stays happy just kicking her legs and looking around for close to an hour or more.

She also likes her new sleepsack to keep her warm and toasty at night now that it's getting a little colder