Kissin Cousins

Francie met her cousin Brady Wolfe today... look at those cheeks!

Dad started his morning working at home with his favorite baby girl on his lap... I heard them talking while I was getting a little more sleep, Heff told Francie all about the exciting lease they were writing together... I'm sure she is a big help :)

She loves to smile at her Daddy!

Francie and I went to visit Bethy at the Carters for breakfast... Francie was just chillin on Bethy's lap while we tried to convince Bethy to move back up here from San Diego.

Then Francie got to meet her cousin Brady! He is two months older than she is and looked like such a big guy. His mom, Molly, is my cousin and is also exactly two months older than I am. Molly is taking the picture from the other side of the two cuties.

Francie also got to meet her "G.G.", her Great-Great-Aunt Marge who was my grandmothers sister. Aunt Marge is the closest person we have to a Great-Grandparent on my side and we LOVE her!! It was great to introduce Francie to Aunt Marge. (Francie in her new pink cardigan Jannie made)

Jan, GG Marge and Toni (Molly's Mom)

Molly's husband Bryan settled Francie right down and Jan got to hold the big boy Brady

We all went to Academic Trainers and Brilliant Babies for a quick tour and to get the babies pictures taken since Brilliant Babies had a fun photo shoot for our clients with a professional photographer.

After our photo shoot (those pics later!) we went to Jan's where Heff met us for lunch outside in the backyard.

The Wolfe family

Sophie sprawled out on the bricks

Brady Mathew Wolfe... 3 months old

Toni "Grammy" and Jannie with their grandbabies Brady and Francie (Aunt Marge and Marmar had a picture just like this holding Molly and I as new babies saying to each other "Can you believe we're grandmothers!")

The Wolfes and the Heffs (Francie with a big yawn)

Wardrobe change... a little spit up warranted a new outfit of course. Here in her big girl jean skirt and top from the Wallace family, so cute :)

"Mom. You do know this outfit says 6 months not 6 weeks right?"

"What am I going to do with these two?"

Worn out and headed home...